Why Choose Remanufactured Print Cartridges?

The average business uses 10,000 sheets of paper per year in a copier or printer, that’s a lot of ink being used and cartridges going to landfills! It also accounts for a big portion of businesses’ supplies budgets, up to 80-90% of a businesses’ print budget is spent just on the cartridges alone. For these reasons, it makes sense to consider remanufactured print cartridges. Not only will you help save the planet by reducing the environmental impact by 51%, but you will also reduce your costs by up to 30%!

So, what exactly is a remanufactured print cartridge? Remanufacturers acquire previously used Original Equipment Manufacturer’s (OEM) cartridges and then run them through a vigorous restoration process where they return the cartridge to like-new condition. But is the quality the same, you ask? Yes! The print quality of these cartridges have been 3rd-party tested and have met or exceeded the same results of the OEM cartridge. So, you can have confidence that these cartridges will perform the same, and you won’t notice any difference in the print quality or yield.

Remanufactured print cartridge process

Ready to start reducing your environmental footprint AND reduce costs? Send us a list of your printing devices and we’ll provide you a quote for their remanufactured print cartridges!

Source: https://www.cloverimaging.ca/downloads/568519A-Clover-The-Impact-is-Real-White-Paper.pdf

Gardening Tips

Family gardening

Gardens bring joy to many, a sense of accomplishment when having successfully grown a thriving garden that looks welcoming and peaceful.  It can also be cause for much frustration when your efforts fall short, and your garden is just not looking so great.  Keep these tips in mind when planning your garden and you’ll be sure to have a beautiful garden this summer!

Keep it in sight

Make sure you create your garden in a place you will often see.  Out of sight, out of mind applies to gardening too, and you definitely don’t want to forget about tending to your garden!

Watch the sun

Before planting your garden, pay attention to how many hours of sunlight the space you’re considering gets.  Many plants require at least 6 hours of sun, such as most edible plants like vegetables, herbs and fruits. 

Pick your plants wisely

Before heading out to your local garden centre, do some research to understand the best type of plants for the areas you want to plant, and for where you live.  Make sure you can provide enough space for your plants, as some prefer lots of room to grow, or a trellis to climb. 

Don’t plant too early

Research when the last average spring frost occurs so that you don’t accidentally kill your newly planted plants.  The same goes for identifying your first average fall frost date if you are planning to get your plants harvested or moved indoors before the cold arrives.  

Add mulch

Apply a layer of mulch that is 2-3” thick around each plant.  This will help prevent weeds by blocking out the sun, and reduce moisture loss through evaporation, so you can water less.  

Use your finger

The best way to tell if your plants need watering is to push your finger an inch down into the soil.  If your finger is dry, then it’s time to water!

For products to help you start or tend to your garden throughout the year, browse our website or reach out to us and let us know what you’re looking for!

Source: https://www.miraclegro.com/en-ca/library/gardening-basics/10-top-gardening-tips-beginners

What does Earth Day mean to you?

Earth Day is observed on April 22nd of every year. Most of us usually take the day to turn off or reduce all of our electronics and energy consumption appliances in order to reduce energy consumption. But Earth Day is much more than a one-day, week or month event of the year.

What does Earth Day mean to you?

Earth Day is intended to shift our consumption habits to become more sustainable all year round. From electricity usage to proper waste and recycling disposal. If you’re a regular reader of our blog you will recall our Earth Day statistics infographic covering some eye-opening environmental facts. While we are moving towards more sustainable practices there is more each of us can do, both as individuals and organizations.

That is exactly what Earth Day means to us…

A Reminder

To always be mindful of our waste, pollution and excessive energy consumption.

Drive to work every day? Try carpooling or taking public transit once or twice a week.

Use a lot of electronics? Plug them into energy-saving power outlets to conserve electricity when they’re idle.

Do you recycle? According to the infographic mentioned above, only 25% of paper was recycled in Canada in 2014. Make sure that all of your recyclable items are sorted properly. Batteries, paper, electronics, etc.

A Starting Point

While certain actions towards reducing our carbon footprint are straight forward, others require more knowledge or resources. How to recycle old computers and cell phones? Difference between incandescent, fluorescent and LED light bulbs?

Fortunately Earth Day Canada has developed a great web domain full of content suited for all walks of life: employees, kids, organizations and green conscientious individuals.

Earth Day Canada logoIt takes effort to become eco-friendly all year round, but the effort is well worth it.

A Global Effort

Earth Day is recognized by over 190 countries world-wide. It illustrates the importance we need to place on preserving our planet. Whether we reside in a fully developed economy or a newly emerging one, steps can be taken to ensure a more ecological approach to an ever increasing global population.

Global Earth Day

Working together has never been of more importance and the sooner each individual or organization makes a positive change, the sooner our collective efforts will start to yield positive results.

That is what Earth Day means to us, what does it mean for you?