The Essentials of First Aid and Safety


Welcome to the battlefield of the modern workplace – where deadlines loom, coffee flows, and the occasional paper cut can bring a whole department to a standstill. But fear not, intrepid office warriors, for in the arsenal of workplace survival, there stands a reliable guardian: the first aid kit.

Now, before we dive headfirst into the fray, let’s arm ourselves with knowledge. What exactly should be in our trusty first aid kit? According to the experts our kits should be stocked with essentials such as:

  1. Bandages (various sizes)
  2. Adhesive tape
  3. Antiseptic wipes
  4. Gauze pads
  5. Tweezers
  6. Scissors
  7. Pain relievers (like Tylenol)
  8. Thermometer
  9. Disposable gloves
  10. CPR mask
  11. First aid manual

Armed with these supplies, you’ll be ready to tackle any workplace mishap – from minor cuts and bruises to more serious injuries.

But where should this life-saving kit reside in our workplace fortress? Ideally, it should be stationed in a central location that’s easily accessible to all. The break room or kitchen is a popular choice, as it’s a hub of activity where employees frequently gather. Plus, it’s a discreet location that won’t draw undue attention in case of an emergency.

Now, onto the added tips to fortify our defenses and ensure workplace safety reigns supreme:

  1. Regular Inspections: Our first aid kit needs regular check-ups to ensure it’s ready to go. Designate someone in the office to inspect the kit monthly, replenishing any supplies that have been used or expired.
  2. Emergency Procedures: It’s one thing to have a first aid kit, but it’s another to know how to use it. Provide training for employees on basic first aid techniques and emergency procedures, ensuring everyone knows what to do in case of an injury or medical emergency.
  3. Communication is Key: Make sure all employees know the location of the first aid kit and how to access it. Display clear signage indicating its whereabouts, and consider including emergency contact numbers and procedures nearby for easy reference.
  4. Stay Prepared: In addition to a first aid kit, consider other safety measures such as fire extinguishers, emergency exits, and AEDs (automated external defibrillators) if appropriate for your workplace environment.

As the saying goes, it’s better to prevent than to cure. So let’s arm ourselves with knowledge, stock our first aid kits, and stand ready to face whatever challenges the workplace may throw our way. Together, we can ensure that safety and preparedness are always at the forefront – because in the battle of work vs. safety, there can be no compromise.

Looking to stock-up on your First Aid Supplies? Look no further, We have Dealers across Canada to help!

Celebrating Earth Day: Small Steps for a Greener Office and Home


As Earth Day approaches, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on our impact on the planet and take steps to minimize our carbon footprint. Whether in the office or at home, there are simple yet effective measures we can implement to contribute to a more sustainable future. Here are some practical tips:

By implementing these small but impactful changes in our office and home environments, we can all play a part in preserving the planet for future generations. Let’s make every day Earth Day by committing to sustainable living practices and fostering a greener, more eco-friendly world.

Discover an extensive range of recycled products available through our network of dealers across Canada, including pens, paper, self-adhesive notes, and much more. Locate a dealer near you!

Unleash Your Inner Artist: Creative Outlets for Adults


In a world buzzing with deadlines and responsibilities, it’s easy to forget the joy of simply making something with your own two hands. But fear not, because today we’re diving headfirst into the colorful realm of adult creativity. From workplace brainstorming sessions to the soothing art of paper flower crafting, we’ve got it all covered. So, grab your tools and let’s embark on a journey to rediscover the magic of making!

Who says creativity has no place in the workplace? Whether you’re a corporate guru or a freelance whiz, infusing creativity into your professional life can unlock innovative solutions and spark new ideas.

  1. Brainstorming Sessions: Swap out the stuffy boardroom for a cozy brainstorming nook. Encourage team members to think freely, jot down wild ideas, and build upon each other’s creativity. Who knows? Your next big breakthrough could come from a doodle on a napkin!
  2. Design Thinking Workshops: Embrace the power of design thinking to tackle complex problems with a fresh perspective. By empathizing, defining, ideating, prototyping, and testing, you’ll uncover innovative solutions that defy convention.
  3. Creative Challenges: Inject some fun into the work week with creative challenges tailored to your team’s interests. From photography contests to impromptu storytelling sessions, these activities foster camaraderie and inspire out-of-the-box thinking.

Paper Flower Crafting: Blooms That Never Wilt

Now, let’s switch gears and delve into the delightful world of paper flower crafting. Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or a newbie seeking a therapeutic pastime, making paper flowers is a surefire way to unleash your creativity and add a touch of whimsy to any space. We found this craft online at DIY Candy

Materials Needed:

  • Colored Paper
  • Scissors
  • Stapler
  • Double-sided Tape
  • Yarn (Optional)
  • Hole Punch (Optional)

Step-by-Step Guide:
Step 1: Gather two sheets of the same colored paper.
Step 2: Fold each paper in half once, then in half again, and repeat the process one more time until you have a total of three folds. Be sure to repeat the same number of folds for each sheet.
Step 3: Unfold your sheets of paper.
Step 4: Now accordion fold each origami sheet. Use your creases as guidelines.
Step 5: Fold both folded origami sheets in half. Then, staple them together in the middle.
Step 6: Fold your accordion folded origami in half and trim the ends. (You can cut slants or curves – each will result in different looking petals.)
Step 7: Grab your double-sided tape and begin taping the folded origami paper together. Your flower will soon begin taking shape!
Step 8: Cut out some circles and tape them to the middle of your flowers.
That’s it! Tape them to the wall, or hole punch them and string them up to make a lovely spring garland.

Pro Tip: Experiment with different paper sizes and colors to create a vibrant bouquet of paper blooms. You can also add embellishments like glitter or sequins for an extra dash of pizzazz!

Whether you’re brainstorming in the boardroom or crafting paper flowers in the comfort of your home, creativity knows no bounds. So, go ahead—doodle, daydream, and dare to create. After all, the world is your canvas, and your imagination is the only limit. Cheers to unleashing your inner artist and embracing the joy of making!

Need supplies to make this happen, check out our Dealer Locator – we can help!

Employee Appreciation – 10 Modern Ways to Celebrate!


As we navigate the evolving modern work environments, through hybrid and remote teams, the significance of Employee Appreciation Day takes on a new depth of meaning. In the world, where virtual connections often replace face-to-face interactions and the boundaries between work and home blur, it’s essential for organizations to adapt when celebrating their employees’ contributions.

Here are ten ways to foster a sense of belonging and reinforce a culture of gratitude and recognition!

Virtual Coffee Breaks: Schedule a coffee break or lunch session where teams can connect over video calls. This provides time for social interaction and informal conversations and is a great way to foster a sense of belonging. Consider sending a digital gift card for coffee or food delivery to give the event a little extra special experience.

Personalized Thank you Notes: Send thank you notes to each team member, highlight their contributions and express gratitude for their efforts. This simple activity can boost morale and demonstrates genuine appreciation.

Flexible Work Hours: Offering flexibility in work hours or “flex days” where employees can choose their schedule to accommodate personal commitments or preferences. This is a true sign of trust in your employees’ ability to manage their workloads effectively and promotes that work-life balance.

Professional Development Opportunities: Invest in your employees’ growth and skills by providing opportunities for online courses, workshops, and certifications relevant to their role. Supporting learning demonstrates a commitment to your employees’ long-term success.

In-person/Virtual Team Building: Strengthen bonds and encourage collaboration among team members. Cooking classes and Escape Rooms are fun ways to get everyone working together. Search the web to locate online trivia and virtual escape rooms for those remote employees.

Wellness Resources: Offer resources such as virtual fitness classes, meditation app subscriptions or mental health resources to support employees’ overall well-being. Supporting your team’s health can improve productivity and engagement.

Recognition Platforms: Implement a recognition platform for team members to acknowledge and celebrate each other’s achievements.

Surprise Care Packages: Send a little package filled with goodies like snacks, branded merchandise, or self-care items. This unexpected gesture shows thoughtfulness and makes employees feel valued even from a distance.

Virtual Celebrations: Host a virtual happy hour to commemorate milestones, achievements, or Employee Appreciation Day itself. Add in some fun activities or themes to make the event memorable and fun!

Leadership Check-ins: Schedule one-on-one check-ins between leaders and team members to provide personalized feedback, support, and mentorship. This is an opportunity for employees to voice their concerns, share ideas and receive guidance strengthening the bond between yourself and your team.

In this digital age, let’s uplift and motivate our team regardless of their physical location and reaffirm the importance of acknowledging their efforts!

How do you appreciate your employees? Let us know in the comments.

Looking to enhance your workplace environment further? Explore our Dealer Locator to find a trusted partner near you.

Tax Season is here!


Let’s face it, filing your tax return can feel as exciting as organizing a filing cabinet—necessary, but not exactly thrilling. But just like stocking up on supplies keeps your workspace running smoothly, filing your taxes supports the communities and programs we rely on, like healthcare, education, and infrastructure.
So, grab your favourite pen and embrace tax season—it’s all part of keeping our financial house in order!

Looking for supplies to make tax time a little simpler?
Check out our locator to find a Dealer near you!