Employee Appreciation – 10 Modern Ways to Celebrate!


As we navigate the evolving modern work environments, through hybrid and remote teams, the significance of Employee Appreciation Day takes on a new depth of meaning. In the world, where virtual connections often replace face-to-face interactions and the boundaries between work and home blur, it’s essential for organizations to adapt when celebrating their employees’ contributions.

Here are ten ways to foster a sense of belonging and reinforce a culture of gratitude and recognition!

Virtual Coffee Breaks: Schedule a coffee break or lunch session where teams can connect over video calls. This provides time for social interaction and informal conversations and is a great way to foster a sense of belonging. Consider sending a digital gift card for coffee or food delivery to give the event a little extra special experience.

Personalized Thank you Notes: Send thank you notes to each team member, highlight their contributions and express gratitude for their efforts. This simple activity can boost morale and demonstrates genuine appreciation.

Flexible Work Hours: Offering flexibility in work hours or “flex days” where employees can choose their schedule to accommodate personal commitments or preferences. This is a true sign of trust in your employees’ ability to manage their workloads effectively and promotes that work-life balance.

Professional Development Opportunities: Invest in your employees’ growth and skills by providing opportunities for online courses, workshops, and certifications relevant to their role. Supporting learning demonstrates a commitment to your employees’ long-term success.

In-person/Virtual Team Building: Strengthen bonds and encourage collaboration among team members. Cooking classes and Escape Rooms are fun ways to get everyone working together. Search the web to locate online trivia and virtual escape rooms for those remote employees.

Wellness Resources: Offer resources such as virtual fitness classes, meditation app subscriptions or mental health resources to support employees’ overall well-being. Supporting your team’s health can improve productivity and engagement.

Recognition Platforms: Implement a recognition platform for team members to acknowledge and celebrate each other’s achievements.

Surprise Care Packages: Send a little package filled with goodies like snacks, branded merchandise, or self-care items. This unexpected gesture shows thoughtfulness and makes employees feel valued even from a distance.

Virtual Celebrations: Host a virtual happy hour to commemorate milestones, achievements, or Employee Appreciation Day itself. Add in some fun activities or themes to make the event memorable and fun!

Leadership Check-ins: Schedule one-on-one check-ins between leaders and team members to provide personalized feedback, support, and mentorship. This is an opportunity for employees to voice their concerns, share ideas and receive guidance strengthening the bond between yourself and your team.

In this digital age, let’s uplift and motivate our team regardless of their physical location and reaffirm the importance of acknowledging their efforts!

How do you appreciate your employees? Let us know in the comments.

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Simple Ways to Show Appreciation in the Office

Everyone loves to be appreciated, especially for the work they do in the office. Take some time to appreciate your fellow employees with one of these examples!

Hand-written Notes

By living in such a tech-savvy world, we are used to sending and receiving so many emails that it typically is the main resource for sending out a thank-you to someone that deserves it. Odds are, whoever is receiving this thank-you will quickly scan the message then trash it. Try taking the time to write out a nice letter, it shows that you are appreciative enough of this person that you would take the time out to do something nice for them.

thank you note on post it

Small Gestures

A small gesture respecting someone’s comfort and convenience can mean a lot. Even taking an employee’s empty cup or paperwork for them can make their day just a little bit better.

Acknowledge Absences

We all know that when employees take a vacation or even a sick day, their work gets added to your to-do list. Instead of getting frustrated about it, take the work happily then when the person returns, let them know how much they were missed and how important their contribution is to the office.

Give it back

Make sure that when you borrow someone’s supplies that you return them as soon as you are done with them. Don’t let the lender feel annoyed and inconvenienced.

Clean it up

On a busy day, it is really tempting to leave your dishes in the break room sink or your files piled on the conference room table. Schedule some time in your day to clean up your mess, it shows that you respect and appreciate the shared spaces in the office.

Offer Public Praise

Look for opportunities to pay small, genuine compliments around the office. Everyone loves to be told that they did a great job or look great and sometimes those are just what a person needs to brighten their day.

Give Second Chances

Everyone makes mistakes, so show people that you trust them to make things right the second time around.

Celebrate Milestones

You don’t need to shower your colleagues with gifts, but just taking the time to go to them and say “congratulations” on their personal and professional milestones can mean a lot to them.

Leave a little gift

A lagniappe is a small, inexpensive gift such as a flower, hand-drawn doodle, or even a post-it note with a smile on it. Small gestures can make a big difference on a hard day.

Time to stock up on office supplies? Check out our Locator to find a Dealer near you!

Ways to Show Your Gratitude at Work

November is National Gratitude Month and we’re kicking off the month by sharing a list of ways which you can express your gratitude in the workplace!

From enhanced mood, improved productivity, stronger relationships and a happier workforce, gratitude plays an important role in any organization’s success.  According to a study, employees are 50 percent more successful when leaders show gratitude for their efforts. It’s a win-win.  So, here’s some ideas to get your started!

Greet your colleagues when they arrive each morning

This simple gesture shows your colleagues you acknowledge them and helps break down any barriers to communication which is key to any successful relationship.   

Say ‘thank you’ often

It’s that simple.  And take the time to be specific in telling them why you appreciate them at that particular moment. Too often we equate gratitude with gifts, and what people really want, or need is to hear that they are contributing and are valued.

Surprise your team with lunch, coffee, or another treat

Who doesn’t appreciate free food and surprises?!  This 2-in-1 effort goes a long way while not costing a whole lot.   

Be respectful of each other’s time

You may be thinking, of course I respect my colleague’s time.  But do you tell them? Don’t just assume they know, make sure they know by telling them. 

Recognize efforts even when things go wrong

We often know to point out people’s achievements, but don’t forget about doing this also when things don’t go quiet as planned.  In any situation, you can always find something that was done well.  Acknowledging those efforts will help your colleagues move on and overcome the challenges, as opposed to them focusing on what they did wrong.

Unsolicited gratitude

Sending an unexpected quick message that says something like “Thanks for everything you do!” shows people that you are thinking about them and value their contributions. Unsolicited positive feedback can lift someone’s mood, increase motivation, and build loyalty.

Be there to help when they need it

Being there to help someone when they need you is a good way to show gratitude. This gesture shows them that you are appreciative and dependable, which means you both will grow mutual trust.

Write them a note

It’s simple but effective. It shows that you really do care and appreciate their hard work by taking the time to write a personal note.

Implement a ‘Cheers’ system

Create a company-wide system for colleagues to give praise to each other for all to see.  Could be as simple as a bulletin board in the lunchroom, an opportunity at team meetings to “cheers” or a place on your company digital communication platform. 

Offer acts of service

Consider expressing thanks by doing something to help out the people you work with. There are many ways to say thanks with an act of service, such as:

  • Offer to do a little extra work so that your colleague can leave early to run an errand or pick up a child from school, etc.
  • Give a colleague with car or transportation issues a ride to or from work.
  • Write a glowing recommendation for someone who deserves it.
  • Be a good listener to someone who needs to vent or wants your feedback on a new idea.

Gratitude is a powerful concept. One of the greatest things about expressing gratitude is that it can be contagious. Meaning, a simple ‘thank you’ can change the way employees interact, feel and perform.   How do you show gratitude in your workplace?  Leave your comments below and share!



